It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
[与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉向你倾诉所有]
We've e a long way from where we began
[回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程]
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
[喔 与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉向你倾诉所有]
When I see you again
First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong and what's small turned to a friendship
[热忱累积信念不变 渺小的世界见证这段深情厚谊]
a friendship turned to a bond and
that bond will never be broken and the love will never get lost